(To be Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-II, Section - 3, Sub-Section ii)

Government of India

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Department of Commerce

Udyog Bhawan


Notification No 82 (RE – 2013)/2009-2014

New Delhi, Dated: 17 June, 2014

Subject:- Export Policy of Onions.

S.O. (E)           In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended read with Para 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment, with immediate effect, in Notification No. 73 (RE- 2013)/2009-14 dated 12.03.2014 relating to export of onion.

2.         Export of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items shall be permitted subject to a Minimum Export Price(MEP) of US$ 300 per Metric Ton F.O.B. or as notified by DGFT from time-to-time.

3. Effect of this notification:

Export of all varieties of onions as described above will be subject to a Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US$ 300 per MT.


 (Pravir Kumar)

Director General of Foreign Trade

E-mail: dgft@nic.in


(Issued from File No. 01/91/180/922/AM08/PC-III/Export Cell)