Category: Anti Dumping Duty
Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of sulphur black, originating in or exported from People's Republic of China, for a period of five years.
Notification No. 41 2014-Customs (ADD), dated 18-09-2014
Extention of Anti dumping duty on Polypropylene originating in, or exported from, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Singapore
Notification No. 38_2014-Customs (ADD), dated 13-08-2014
Anti-dumping duty on imports of sodium nitrite, originating in or exported from the European Union, for a further period of five years
Customs notification No. 37_2014 (ADD) dated 08.08.2014
Anti-dumping duty on imports of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) originating in, or exported from the People’s Republic of China, European Union, Korea RP and Thailand for a period of six months
Customs Notification No. 36_2014 (ADD) dated 25.07.2014
Anti-dumping duty on imports of Rubber Chemicals originating in or exported from from China PR and Korea
Notification No. 35_2014-Customs (ADD) dated 24.07.2014
Seeks to extend the validity the notification No. 61/2009-Cus dated 10.06.2009 for a further period of 1 year i.e. upto and inclusive of 9.6.2015 regarding anti-dumping duty on Potassium Carbonate, originating in, or exported from, the European Union, the People’s Republic of China, Korea RP and Taiwan
Notification No. 34 2014 – Customs (ADD), dated 23-July-2014
Seeks to extend the validity of notification No. 67/2009-Cus dated 16.06.2009 for a further period of 1 year i.e upto and inclusive of 15.06.2015 regarding anti-dumping duty on Vitamin C, originating in, or exported from the People’s Republic of China
Notification No. 33 2014-Customs (ADD), dated 23-July-2014
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